

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tisano Review

I hope your new year is off to a good start and that you are sticking to any resolutions you made. I've been doing fairly well with my resolution to eat more mindfully, so let's hope I can stick to that! 

I recently received a couple samples (pictured below) from Tisano to review.  Tisano is "a family run chocolate herbal tea company that lives by three simple truths: - integreiTEA - qualiTEA - sustainabiliTEA." I think those three truths are both clever and noble. I can personally attest to the high  quality of their tea.

100% Organic Cacao Tea: 10 of 10. This tea has a rich, smooth flavor and is a delicious calorie-free treat. I was impressed!

Dark Chocolate Cacao Nibs: 9 of 10. These nibs are slightly bitter, which is to be expected I'm sure. There is a soft, smooth chocolate coating concealing a crunchy chocolate inside.

Chocolate is one of my guilty pleasures, so this was definitely a fun review for me. I never thought chocolate tea would be so satisfying, but it was!



  1. I adore chocolate too. I want to give these a try. Thanks for the review!

  2. YUM! I've recently tried Crio Bru brewed cocoa and it was delicious. I'm betting I would like both of these!


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